All-on-4 and All-on-6

The All-on-4 and All-on-6 methods use 4 or 6 dental implants to support a fixed bridge of 12 teeth for those with complete tooth loss or needing extraction due to poor dental health, providing a long-lasting solution.
Did you know that with Dental Fiume you can go home in the same day with new fixed teeth (implants)? Potentially in just 6 hours or less!
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Immediate implant placement and a temporary fixed prosthetic in a single visit.

From 5.000 €

Tooth loss significantly impacts a person's life, affecting appearance, functionality, and confidence. It impairs speaking, chewing, and swallowing, and hinders social interactions, leading to reduced self-confidence and quality of life.This prosthetic solution offers the highest standards in dental function and aesthetics, providing numerous life-enhancing benefits for the patient.

Benefits of All-on-4 and All-on-6 are:

Contact us today to schedule your FREE consultation and learn more about this transformative dental solution.

Why choose  the implants procedure at  Dental Fiume by Dr Vladimir Kljajo clinic?

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Q: Is implant placement a painful procedure?

A: All procedures are performed under local anaesthesia and are completely painless for the patient. After the operation, you can expect slight swelling (maximum on the third day after the procedure) and short-term pain within tolerable limits.

Should you experience pain, you can take the usual painkillers (Ketonal, Neofen forte, Voltaren), but not Aspirin or Andol as they stimulate bleeding. Ice in a plastic bag or a cold compress can be used to relieve swelling for the first 12 hours after the procedure at intervals: 10-minute cooling /10-minute break.

Q: Is it normal for the wound to bleed after the procedure?

A: After the operation, it is normal for the wound to bleed a little more, in small amounts, that is drops of blood, however, as the blood comes in contact with saliva, it may seem that it is in larger amounts.

Be sure to avoid rinsing your mouth. If the wound does not stop bleeding after a few days, be sure to contact us.

Q: How do I have to maintain dental hygiene during implant therapy?

A: We recommend the use of an extremely soft toothbrush and good brushing of the surrounding teeth to avoid contamination of the wound.

It is advisable to clean the interested area carefully with a cotton bud or a piece of cotton wool soaked in chlorhexidine solution (CHX).

Avoid electric toothbrushes and water flossers a few days after the procedure. Mouthwash is also not recommended in the days following your operation.

Q: What do I have to avoid after implant placement?

A: After surgery, we advise that you avoid chewing food on the operated side; if possible, it is recommended you chew soft and lukewarm food.

We also advise that you avoid drinking through a straw. For the first week, hard physical work, sports, diving, saunas and sunbathing should be avoided.

Smoking is STRICTLY forbidden for at least 24 hours after the procedure, and it is recommended to refrain from smoking for at least 2 weeks after the operation, so as not to compromise the success of therapy and wound healing.

Q: Am I a candidate for implant placement?

A: Any healthy person with a sufficient amount of alveolar bone is a candidate for implant therapy.

However, for accurate and safe planning of implant therapy, 3D CBCT and examination of the oral cavity are necessary.

Q: What is implant osseointegration?

A: The procedure of implant placement involves placing the implant in the jawbone, and the integration or fusion of the implant with the bone is called osseointegration.

The period of osseointegration lasts from 3-5 months, after which the final prosthetic work can be made.

Q: Is an allergic reaction to implant possible?

A: No, so far no allergic reaction to the implant, that is to titanium, the material from which the implants are made, has been recorded.

Titanium is characterised by the high biocompatibility of materials, its high strength, low weight and exceptional durability.

Q: Can I drive a car and go to work immediately after the implant procedure?

A: After implants are placed, you can drive a car as normal. However, if you are going on a longer trip, we advise you to come accompanied or postpone it for the next day.

You can also go to work as normal; of course, you will need to avoid hard physical work during the first week after surgery.

Q: How should I behave after a sinus lift?

A: Sneezing and nasal discharge should be controlled in the first two weeks after surgery to prevent sinus pressure from building up.

Smoking, heating of the wound as well as increasingly strenuous physical activities are not recommended.

It is explicitly forbidden to drink through a straw after the operation. We recommend the use of nasal spray (Operil, Olynth) three times a day for the first 5 days after surgery.

It is necessary to eat soft and cold foods and avoid chewing in that area. Do not brush the surgical area for at least 2 weeks following the procedure, but use cotton buds or a soaked piece of cotton wool.

A day or two after surgery, start using chlorhexidine-based mouthwash (CHX, 0.12%) two to three times a day, for a maximum of 14 days.

Brush the teeth that are not covered by the procedure normally, with a softer brush.

To relieve swelling, ice in a plastic bag or cold compresses can be used for the first 12 hours after the procedure alternating with 10-minute cooling /10-minute breaks.

Q: How long does implant placement take?

A: Dental implant placement is a short-term surgical procedure and it takes approximately 20 minutes to install 1 implant.

Q: Do I have to remove the stitches after the procedure?

A: No, we use dissolving sutures that break down on their own, so no additional visits to the surgery are required. You can expect the stitches to fall off on their own 10-15 days after the procedure.

Q: How do I have to prepare for the procedure?

A: We advise you to eat a light meal before the procedure, as it will not be possible to eat until after the anaesthesia has subsided.

If you are taking certain medications, be sure to talk to your GP about the time you have been taking the medication before or on the day of the procedure. Strictly avoid smoking before your operation so as not to compromise the success of therapy and wound healing.

Be sure to measure your blood pressure if you have high blood pressure or if you are diabetic, make sure to measure and regulate your blood sugar on the day of the procedure.

Q: Do I have to take certain medications after the procedure?

A: After surgery, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics and painkillers. Be sure to take the full prescribed dose of antibiotics.

Q: If I am taking blood clotting medicines (cardio aspirin) or other medication, can I place an implant?

A: If you are taking anticoagulants or other medication, constantly or occasionally, be sure to consult your GP about how to take it before or on the day of the procedure.

Q: Is it possible to extract a tooth and place an implant immediately after it?

A: The standard procedure after tooth extraction is to wait 2-3 months for the bone tissue to recover and only then to install the implant.

However, if the surgeon assesses that the bone is in optimal condition, it is possible to install an implant immediately after tooth extraction (immediate implantation) and sometimes to place a temporary prosthetic solution.

In this way, the elapsed time from tooth extraction to the production of the final prosthetic work is shortened.

Q: Is it possible for implant rejection to occur?

A: Implant rejection implies non-adhesion of the implant to the bone, that is insufficient stability of the implant in the bone, which is necessary for the final prosthetic work.

A very small percentage of implants are rejected (about 1%), that is the implant does not adhere to the bone.

We have a very high percentage of successfully placed implants at our clinic, over 99%, thanks to the knowledge and expertise of our surgeons, high quality dental implants and the strictly controlled sterile conditions in the office.

Q: Do I have to pay for the implant again if rejection occurs?

A: If the implant has been rejected, it can be re-installed after a period of healing (2-3 months).

The cost of re-installation is borne entirely by the clinic, if the patient had followed all postoperative instructions (maintained hygiene, avoided smoking...)

Q: How should I behave after tooth extraction?

A: After tooth extraction, it is necessary to avoid physical exertion, exposure to the sun and smoking for the first week.

For the first few days, it is recommended to eat soft and cold food and, if possible, to avoid chewing on the side where the procedure was carried out.

We also advise patients not to drink from a straw. Avoid rinsing the oral cavity for the first 24 hours after the procedure so as not to compromise wound healing.

One or two days after the procedure, it is recommended to rinse the oral cavity two to three times a day with chlorhexidine-based mouthwash (CHX), for a maximum of 14 days.

For pain, you can take the usual painkillers (Ketonal, Neofen forte, Voltaren), but not Aspirin or Andol as they stimulate bleeding.

To relieve swelling, ice in a plastic bag or cold compresses can be used for the first 12 hours following the procedure alternating with a 10-minute cooling/10-minute break.

Quality Guarantee

You will receive a certificate and a warranty card for all dental work performed at the Dental Fiume clinic led by Dr Vladimir Kljajo in Rijeka, Croatia.

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